CSS Text Properties

This page contains the properties in the text namespace (properties with the word text in their name), as well as some other related properties.

Apart from the various CSS font properties, there are other properties that can assist in styling your text. For example, you can change the color of text, align text, add decoration properties and more.

In CSS, text can be styled using the properties listed below. Using this list, you can learn how to use each css text property and what it looks like in a browser.

CSS Text Color

For more information, see the color property.

CSS Text Align

For more information, see the text-align property.

CSS Text Indent

Indents the first line of the paragraph. For more information, see the text-indent property.

CSS Letter Spacing

For more information, see the letter-spacing property.

CSS Word Spacing

For more information, see the word-spacing property.

CSS Text Decoration

For more information, see the text-decoration property.

CSS Text Transform

For more information, see the text-transform property.

CSS Text Direction

For more information, see the direction property.

CSS unicode-bidi

For more information, see the unicode-bidi property.

Use this in conjunction with the direction property to determine the direction of the text. Possible values: normal, embed, bidi-override, and inherit.

CSS Text Shadow

For more information, see the text-shadow property.

CSS White Space

Tells the browser how to handle white space. Possible values: normal, pre, and nowrap.

For more information, see the white-space property.