PHP Installation

A quick overview of the PHP installation process.

If you don't have PHP installed on your computer, here are your best options:

You may already have a PHP hosting provider. If this is the case, all you need to do is upload your PHP files the same way you would upload any HTML file. If you don't have a hosting provider, check out this web hosting tutorial for an overview of web hosting.

Downloading PHP

Even if you have a PHP hosting provider, I recommend that you install PHP on your own local environment anyway. That way, you'll become more familiar with PHP, plus, you should always have a development environment that is separate to your production environment.

You can download PHP from the PHP website here:

To assist with the installation, you can view the PHP documentation here: (Just select your preferred language).

Or, you can jump straight to the English version of the installation notes here:

Installing a Web Server

If your machine doesn't have a web server installed, you will need to install one before you install PHP. There are many different web servers available to choose from, so you need to choose which one you prefer. Two of the more popular web servers are:

If you're using Windows, it's possible your machine already has IIS installed. You can check to see if you have a web server installed by looking under "Administration Tools" for "Internet Information Services". You can usually find IIS at either Start > Program Files > Administration Tools or Start > Control Panel > Administration Tools.

If it's not installed, you may find that you can add IIS as an optional Windows component. To do this:

This should install IIS for you. Once you've installed IIS, open a browser and type http://localhost. This should display the default IIS homepage. You can change this by replacing the files in the default directory (or changing the default directory location). The default directory is normally at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. This is where you can place your .php files.